
Meditation: Mindfulness Of Your Breath

Mindfulness Of Your Breath

In Module 1 you learned how to place 100% of your attention on a single object of focus - countingmantra, and your breath. The Mindfulness of Your Breath meditation expands on this practice by first inviting you to place all of your attention on your breath, but then expanding your awareness to include other sensory experiences that arise naturally: sight, smell, sounds, taste, sensations, and thoughts.

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When you practice mindfulness meditation, nothing is excluded from your practice. As long as you are aware that you are aware, things you used to call "distractions" are just part of the experience!

Think of the primary object of focus in mindfulness meditation as a touchstone for your experience. You use it as a guide, as a reminder to stay present. When you get distracted, or are so lost in thought that you forget you are even meditating, you can return home to that primary object of focus and begin again. In this practice, your object of focus will be your breath, but you can choose any other sense object that works for you.

Eventually you may be able to rest in "choiceless awareness": a state where you simply notice what you notice without seeking out any particular experience.

Just as you are not fabricating the experience you are having, you don't need to analyze, cling to, or grasp onto it, just as you don't need to avoid it or push it away. Just let it be. Let everything around you appear, sustain, and fade away in its own time.

You are steady and still - let experience come to you.