
Meditation: Mindfully Sitting With Dignity

Although this guided meditation uses imagery from Buddhism, the theme of dignity and strength are universal, so any spiritual outlook can be applied. I do enjoy the symbolism of mudras, which are hand gestures seen on statues of the Buddha and practiced in yoga. Each mudra has its own meaning. The bhumisparsha mudra, offered in this meditation, represents the steadfastness of the Buddha as he touched the earth during his enlightenment. It is informally called the “earth-witness” mudra.

Establishing A Posture Of Resilience

The right hand reaching to touch the Earth symbolizes the concept of skillful means, the art of adapting mindfulness practices to the context of your situation. The left-hand, which rests open in your lap, symbolizes wisdom. Together, they symbolize the wisdom and the skills that it takes to cultivate equanimity and enlightenment.

This posture was established by the historical Buddha as he sat under the Bodhi Tree and committed himself to staying put until he reached enlightenment. Throughout the night, the demon Mara is said to have thrown flaming arrows at the Buddha, but his steadfastness turned all of the arrows into flower petals, which fell around him before they pierced his heart.

Sitting With Dignity Meditation

This sitting meditation practice includes extended periods of silence which will give you space to work with any metaphorical arrows that come your way as you cultivate resilience. Press the play button to stream this audio recording. To download for keeps, click on the three dots to the right of the volume button to download.