
Meditation: Counting Your Breath

Counting Meditation

The instructions for this practice are simply to start with the number 10 and count backward silently each time you exhale. When you reach one, count up to 10. Then back down, and up, over and over again.

Each time you get distracted or notice a thought, simply start at 10 again. Let it be more like a game, playful and relaxed, rather than a chore or an opportunity for self-criticism.

Press the play button to stream this audio recording. To download for keeps, click on the three dots to the right of the volume button to download.

Have you ever heard of “bereavement brain”? As your mind attempts to navigate the pain, sadness, anxiety, and changes that you face, it is normal to feel foggy, forgetful, and distracted.

Focusing meditation helps you improve your memory and ability to concentrate. It also has the side effect of turning down the volume on stress and anxiety, and eliciting the relaxation response I discussed in the Caring For Your Grieving Body video.

Remember, as with all meditations in this course, you do not have to be "good" at it for it to work. Each time you practice, you are retraining your brain to “stay” like a well-behaved puppy. So be kind to your brain, and just keep practicing!