
Perpetual Mindfulness: Turn Stress Into Bliss


Experience is the highest authority. The touchstone of validity is my own experience. No other person’s ideas and none of my own ideas are as authoritative as my experience. It is to experience that I must return again and again to discover a closer approximation to the truth.
Carl Rogers

This series is based on Michael Lee's Book Turn Stress Into Bliss. You do not need the book to participate, however it is one of my favorites. The 8 modules in the program were initially offered to people with irritable bowel syndrome, and showed a marked improvement in symptoms and outcomes. Michael is the founder of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, and a dear and trusted mentor of mine. I look forward to guiding you through these 8 sessions! 

Home Practice Tools

  • A Timer
  • A Place in your home for your practice
  • A Mat and a Blanket
  • Firm Pillows or Cushions
  • A Chair
  • A Journal
  • Optional Space Items (candles, special objects…)

About Home Practice Exercises

Each module comes with a daily recommended practice that in total would take about 45 minutes to an hour. BUT remember that just 5 minutes of practice can transform your mood. It is better to do a few minutes a day than an hour on the weekend. 

In fact, if you struggle with making time for practice, only allow yourself 5 minutes a day for the first week. No more! See how it goes, and adjust the following week - up or down!

Many exercises are described in the roadmaps beneath the weekly schedule. There is also an audio version of the Intention Setting, Body Scan, Yoga, and Integration Meditation available in the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy roadmap