
Making Peace With Loss: Mindfulness & Grief with Heather Stang

Explore a grief-sensitive approach to mindfulness, and experience how you can move forward on your grief journey without denying your love or pain. Learn how to care for your grieving body and improve your sleep, how to cultivate self-compassion to ease loneliness and fear, and how to transform difficult emotions into wisdom.

Slide Downloads

Links & Other Assets


From Grief To Peace and Mindfulness & Grief are available in the Omega Bookstore.

deuil et pleine conscience

Guided Meditations

Step 1: Conscious Relaxation with Mantra Meditation

Step 2: Mindful Awareness with Daily Practice

Step 3: Compassion for All with Metta Meditation

Step 4: Skillful Courage: Dancing With Strength & Vulnerability

Questions & Feedback

I welcome your questions as well as your feedback on this presentation. Use the form below and I will respond as soon as I am able.